Dietician Sheela Seharawat
When the contents of gastric acid elevate at quick in the stomach, acidity occurs. The main reason behind this condition is the consumption of junk food in excess, inactive lifestyle, or insufficient sleep. For the management of your health, consult the top Dietician Sheela Seharawat of Diet Clinic. She will guide you on how you should balance your diet plan and improve your lifestyle.
Due to acidity, one may experience headaches, vomiting, and nausea. Other five major health disorders include:
Peptic Ulcer
When the gastric acid produces in an excess amount in the stomach, it is known to be an ulcer in the Oesophagus. Avoid foods that are highly acidic in nature and try to keep your lifestyle healthy and active.
Reflux Oesophagitis
This condition occurs when the amount of gastric acid increases in the stomach. It further results in causing damage to the Oesophageal mucosa. Nausea and sore throat may also take place.
Among the health disorders caused by increased gastric acid, bloating is the one. In this condition, the stomach looks constricted and give a feeling of full, irrespective of the food consumption.
When a burning sensation behind the lower end of the sternum is felt, it refers to heartburn. This may usually happen on the consumption of highly acidic foods like chocolates, tomatoes or citrus fruits.
Weight gain
Acidity is such a condition that keeps the food for a long span of time inside the stomach and this cause trouble in the digestion. Within the time period that food becomes the unnecessary fats and makes you gain excess weight.
At Diet Clinic, we have the top dieticians who provide their clients with the utmost care and support under the supervision of the top Dietician Sheela Seharawat.
Come soon to Diet Clinic and get rid of acidity!