Dietician Sheela Seharawat
Maddona, jeniffer aniston and many other are part of the league who have benefitted from this awesome diet plan. After research and studies, we have prepared an Indian version of this superb diet plan. This is a 6 day fat slayer plan which will cut down your carbohydrate supplies.
Carbohydrates are considered as the culprits of the weight gain. They got this infamous name of them because they carry more glycemic which increases blood sugar levels and which ultimately deposits in our body in the form of fat cells, if not consumed. So we are going to attack on deposited fat content in your body and apply a bar on further intake of these malwares.
As you are taking more than usual protein during this diet plan, so combine physical exercise for excellent results. You have to do a little more work out than your regular exercise schedule for better digestion and speedy metabolism. We have added a combination of fruits, fruit splashes and vegetables in this diet plan, so that you may not feel starved because of less carbohydrate intake. Water is the key component of the plan which will keep you hydrated, hail and healthy.
There are so many clothes lying there in your wardrobe which you hate to wear because of fitting issues but pledge to wear some day. We assure that after following the plan you will come up with all those old apparels to surprise your friends. Take this short term plan to make healthy changes in life.