Dietician Sheela Seharawat
The day changes from one to another, the date changes from 31st December to 1 January and so does it’s time to celebrate, celebrate New Year. We celebrate the beginning of a new calendar year. The earliest known evidences of New Year celebrations dates back to 2000 BC in Mesopotamia during March. Various cultures and traditions have celebrated the occasion in various other periods until it was the Romans who celebrated the New Year for the first time on 1st of January in 153 BC.
In the 46th BC Roman emperor Julius Caesar, introduced a new solar based calendar which was more accurate and updated than the one previously used, and declared that New Year is to be observed on the 1st of January, every year and thus it became a norm in the Roman culture.
New Year is largely considered as the beginning of a new phase and bid farewell to worries and concerns of the past year. It brings to people the hope of liveliness, success and prosperity for the coming days. In modern times the New Year’s Day is followed by a night of celebration in welcoming the New Year. This day is also observed as a day of renewal, freshness and beginning of a new stream of joy and happiness. The custom is to have fireworks, shouts of joy and excitement, and make as much noise as possible.
Many say that this is the modern system of following the rituals passed down from the Romans, to frighten away the passing and dying year and make way for the young and fresh year to arrive.
The 1st of January is not only the day to pursue your ambitions, but also to take the first step towards fulfilling them. In many traditions, it’s on this day that people exchange gifts and folks gather with families and friends to eat, dance and share each other’s company. Traditional rituals and food are made and eaten representing prosperity, good luck and wealth. In many countries it is customary to take up some resolutions and goals and commitment to strive to accomplish them through the New Year.
The truth is whatever the reason to celebrate New Year be, it’s very clear and simple that we all wait for the day to come and bring new lease of live, hope and energy into our lives. We all humans learn from our mistakes and past experiences, which we take up a learnings to move forward in life. In the New Year we commit to move ahead and implement that we have learnt from our past experiences to become a better and positive individuals contributing to the good-will and well-being of the society.