

#dietclinic #Dietplan
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
Change diet plan in this New Year

With the New Year almost here many have started to make New Year resolutions. A favorite one is to lose weight. But years come and they go past and no one loses weight. This does not have to be the case if you follow healthy eating plans from Diet Clinic created by Dietician Sheela Sherawat. She wants everyone to be fit and healthy and shares her insights about New Year's Weight Loss Meal Plan.

What is a balanced diet.

Most nutritionists recommend a balanced diet so that everyone stays fit and stays healthy. However, the exact meaning of a balanced diet is not clear to everyone. A balanced diet is different from a crash diet because it allows you to eat anything that a normal adult should eat, but in optimal conditions. To get a good balance, you cannot settle for just one type of food. This would avoid the essential nutrients of complete meals. A "balanced diet" is only complete if you have a variety of foods from all the food groups that contribute to your food intake. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, a diet consisting of a well-balanced combination of carbohydrates, protein, calcium, lipids, vitamins and minerals inside it is ideally a "balanced diet". In terms of Indian eating habits, our traditional diet is considered healthy. Since an average Indian diet includes grains, beans, legumes, vegetables, dairy, oils, nuts, fruits and vegetables, you can easily plan a balanced meal with these products.

Benefits of a balanced diet.

1.    The vitamins and minerals you consume in a wider variety of foods help keep your cells, tissues and organs.

2.    Good nutrition helps you stay in shape, maintain a healthy weight, reduce the amount of fat in your body and give you energy.

3.    A good diet leads to better immunity, so you do not get sick too often.

4.    A balanced meal improves brain function and keeps your mind active.

To stay healthy, your body needs complete food and regular physical activity. If you want to eat a more balanced diet, understanding the basics will make it less challenging. Here are few tips on how to start your New Year New You Weight Loss.

1.    Try to eat at least two servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

2.    Drink plenty of water (six to eight glasses are recommended).

3.    Try to add at least two servings of fish per week.

4.    Make a habit for breakfast every day. This can help reduce the snacks later.

5.    Be active always. Adults are advised to exercise 150 minutes at least each week. Why do not you involve your friends and exercise together?


Proteins are the most overlooked food group.

Proteins are mostly present in food of animal origin like meat. This is the most common reason why vegetarians do not consume enough protein. A vegetarian can overcome protein deficiency by eating legumes, kidney beans, milk etc. Proteins contribute to many vital functions in our body – a sufficient supply of proteins allows the growth of hair, nails, muscles and the repair of nerve cells and the healing of wounds. People who lack protein can suffer from muscle damage, heart problems, arthritis, organ failure, etc. Its symptoms occur when the human body begins to feel muscle aches and cramps, sleep disorders. Protein-rich foods include meat, eggs, poultry, seafood, legum