Dietician Sheela Seharawat
Ask anybody, and everyone will tell you, that they want to lose weight and above all they want a healthy way to lose weight. But actually if you ask them, perhaps only a few or handful will be able to tell you what healthy weight loss really means.
Let’s emphasis on the subject and understand - what healthy weight loss is all about? Our body likes slow changes when it comes to food and exercises. Our body uses food to provide it with the necessary energy it requires to function. When this energy is in surplus it is stored in the body in the form of fats. Therefore, it is clear and simple – that when we eat more food than required for daily activities and maintenance, we are bound to gain weight. So, in order to lose weight effectively, we should help our body to use up these stored fats in an efficient way and to do it we should focus on the following:
- Reduce our calorie intake through the food we eat.
- Increase levels of physical activities through exercises and sports.
This is why, dieticians and nutritionists refer to effective and healthy weight loss in terms of diet and exercise.
A Good Start to a Healthy Weight Loss
Just by making certain changes in our food habits and lifestyle that you can follow and maintain for the rest of your life is the correct and efficient way to lose weight, keep it off for the rest of the life and lead a healthy and happy life.
Once you have determined to stay healthy and keep your weight in check, it is important that you set realistic and long term goals that you can achieve. Follow these simple steps to get a good start:
- Eat regular and healthy foods. Do not skip breakfast and ensure that your meals have foods from all the essential groups – proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins.
- What your portion size. Never eat to empty plates. Eat as much as you need and never overstuff.
- Eat slowly and in a relaxed mood.
- Set your day to find some time for sure for physical activities. Try to keep moving and avoid sitting idle.
- Involve the whole family to eat together and choose healthy recipes to cook and eat.
- Replace sugary drinks and sodas for water. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even when you are not thirsty.
- Always avoid unnecessary snacking and nibbles. Keep yourself distracted from food cravings.
- Replace your dessert with some healthy fruits.
- Opt for more fruits and vegetables in the diet instead of high calories and fatty foods.
- Reward yourself at the smallest achievement as you go along. Tis will make you feel good and motivated.
- Always keep with like-minded people who are health cautious and lives healthy. Seek support from them whenever necessary.
Some Unseen Benefits of Losing Weight
Losing weight is not just dropping a few sizes, but it helps improving our life in numerous ways. Apart from giving the body what it wants, losing weight can considerably improve a lot within and around you, know how:
- Be Noticed: when you go around with your colleagues and friends and make healthy choices while eating it gives out a signal others that you are different and cautious in whatever you do and you want to be successful in your efforts.
- Have more Friends: Fit and healthy people are always fun to be around with. You have more attraction power and get more friends than others.
- You Live Better: even losing a bit helps on measures of physical function and self-esteem. Researchers say that by just knowing that losing a bit helps and can keep you motivated to lose more, even when times get tough.
- Improves Your Mood: the slightest of weight loss can help in better sleep and improved moods. Proper and adequate sleep keeps frustration and irritability at bay, and better sleep also helps in regulating the appetite, possibly helping you lose more weight.
- Promotes Healthy Joints: we all want and desire healthy joints as we age. Excess of weight can puts wear and tear on the knee cartilage, leading to a painful condition called osteoarthritis. Keeping off weight helps keeping you lighter and less pressure on the knees and other joints.