Dietician Sheela Seharawat
Losing weight is not just any easy and simple recipe that we can cook and have. It requires a lot of patience and commitment. But at the same time it requires a lot of sacrifices also, but all for your good. This is one main reason why people fail to adhere to weight loss regimes and diets.
Saying all, sacrifices and commitments does not mean eating boiled vegetables and leaving your favorite foods or doing something that you have done and enjoyed doing for years. It all about living a healthy lifestyle and staying committed to it. There is no need to torture your taste buds or do something in-conventional to keep up to your commitments.
Great foods with good tastes to lose weight
Experts says to ensure you get delicious foods that you not only enjoy during your regime to lose weight but also these foods are fiber-packed, and are a great way to fill you and control hunger, mange your blood glucose levels, and promote gastrointestinal health. Fruits and veggies are rich in fiber, which makes them heavy by keeping you full but also keeps you fuller longer, while being low in calories, thus aiding weight loss.
Plant based foods are also high in protein and are responsible to fill you up along with firing up your metabolic rate, makes you satisfied and keeps your weight down. Here are some examples of foods and ways that you can add up your list of daily intake and satisfy your taste buds apart from supporting you in your weight loss program.
Focus on the quality of food
Food serves as a fuel to our whole body and the organs, so that they can function to their optimal capacities. Healthy foods are a mix of macro and micro nutrients that provides the body with all the essential elements to function well and provide us with what we desire. Below are a list of certain foods that we should consider having:
- Carrots: these root vegetables are hearty, so get them ready to eat as a snack to curb hunger pre-meal. Carrots also serves as a fat substitute by thickening soups and stews. You will benefit from the high degree of beta-carotene and fiber content in carrots.
- Mushrooms: Its meaty flavor and texture makes them a great addition to numerous dishes. You get the feeling of having high grade meat products that satisfies your taste buds. Researches have proved that replacing meat with mushrooms for a meal a day encourages significant weight loss as you’re consuming less fat and fewer calories.
- Berries: almost all berries, and especially blueberry, blackberry and strawberry are low in calories, packed with healthy and essential nutrients, and add tons of flavor to any meal and are an ideal weight-loss food.
- Dark chocolate: have you ever imagined, that something like chocolate can aid in weight loss. Yes, it’s true! The health benefits of dark chocolate are seemingly endless. Cocoa in dark chocolates contains flavonoids and polyphenols – the nutrients that have strong potential health benefits. Even a small square can satisfy your taste buds and reduce your cravings for sweet.
- Nuts: are incredible on their own - Walnuts, almonds, and other varieties are high in heart-healthy fats and fibers, which helps control your hunger, keeps you satisfied, feeds the taste buds and aids in healthy weight loss. They also are the greatest sources of selenium, which keeps your metabolism, immunity, and reproductive health in optimal conditions.
Food should not be a therapy of struggle, rather should be an entertainment to revive your senses and keep you satisfied. Weight loss doesn’t mean, giving up on what you love and especially food. It’s about making food your friend, your partner in times when you need them the most to support you and boost your moral.