Dietician Sheela Seharawat
The essential points of the balanced diet to lose weight.
1. Focus on low glycemic index foods.
2. It has to include more fibers.
3. Avoid fats, sugar, and processed foods.
4. No soda because they contain lots of calories. Replace it with water.
5. Include in your meals foods that contain more water like tomatoes.
6. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.
7. Set times to have meals and stick to them.
8. Eat only when you are hungry.
9. Do not snack between meals
10. Drink tea and coffee without sugar. Limit your sugar consumption.
11. Count the calories you eat.
12. No fried recipes, choose instead to cook your food steamed; at worst you can fry without fat, with a little olive oil.
13. Eat protein to lose weight quickly. Chicken, egg white and salmon are your best friend when you diet.
14. Do not skip meals. Otherwise, you will have the opposite of what you want
15. Fresh vegetables are better than cooked vegetables. Try to eat your vegetables raw or steamed. When you cook, they lose half of the vitamins that they contain.
16. Choose a cheating day when you can eat whatever you want.
17. Consume salt in moderation, too much salt is often the cause of obesity Avoid salty foods like chips
Benefits of a balanced diet to lose weight.
- You can lose weight without ever feeling hungry, frustrated or tired.
- It does not require excessive control of the amount of food consumed.
- Does not require calorie calculations.
- You learn to understand eating without deprivation, you stop eating when you are no longer hungry.
- The most important rule of this diet is to eat only when you are hungry and stop as soon as you feel satisfied.
- It is believed that the weight loss should not exceed 1 kg per week for optimal results.
What should a balanced diet meal contain?
The diet for weight loss is a set of recommendations on the best food choices to make to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It helps to continue the process of losing weight gradually. Here are our dietary recommendations for lasting weight loss.
Foods with low energy density
The best way to lose weight, and maintain a healthy weight, is to increase your consumption of satiating foods chosen based on their energy density. The energy density takes into account the number of calories contained in a portion of food relative to the volume of the food. For example, you will need to eat several apples to have consumed 100 kcal. However, it will take a small handful of chips to achieve the same energy intake of 100 kcal. As part of this diet, it is therefore recommended to consume mostly low energy density foods: fruits and vegetables, whole grain products and legumes. Rich in fiber, water, and micro-nutrients, they satiate by providing very few calories. Consume lot of fruits and vegetables. It is important to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day as part of a diet.
Promote proteins
Proteins are satiating foods, they constitute the consistent part of the meal. They are critical in the Best Diet Plan because they provide stable energy and cannot be hungry between meals. They act a little like regulators of speed: to consume at each meal makes it possible to supply energy to the body throughout the day. To lose weight, proteins must make up 20% of total calories.
Some high protein foods to incorporate into the diet to lose weight – eggs, fish, Lean meats, Fat-free dairy products, legumes, meat substitutes made from soy and tofu.
Focus on dietary fiber
Dietary fiber has its place of importance in a Healthy Diet Plan. They reduce appetite and promote weight control in two ways. On the one hand, they slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood, on the other hand, they swell in the presence of water and provide the stomach with the sensation of being filled. It is recommended that you consume 30 grams of fiber per day. By eating fruits and vegetables at every meal, whole grains and legumes this 30 gram intake is quite attainable. Choose whole grain bread and add oat bran to yogurts, soups, salads, etc. to increase fiber intake.
Limit intake of fats
Without insisting on the calorie content, it must be remembered that it is the lipids that provide the most calories in the diet (more than carbohydrates and proteins). In addition to that, lipids are less satiating than carbohydrates and proteins. Even if fat is essential for the proper functioning of the body, it must be limited to 30% of total calories.
Refined products
Refined products are cereal products obtained from refined cereals (white flour, white bread, traditional pasta, etc.). Refined products no longer contain fiber, or very little. This lack of dietary fiber can curb weight loss. On the one hand, they are less satisfying nutritionally and on the other hand because they increase blood sugar more quickly after the meal. As we have seen previously, fiber is very important as part of a balanced diet meal.
Sugar, by stimulating the secretion of insulin, promotes storage in the form of fat. Excess sugar can, in the long run, lead to overweight, obesity and insulin resistance. One thing is sure, sugar and sweet products should be avoided as part of a diet to lose weight.
A quality snack in the afternoon is useful to lose weight. It allows you to prevent cravings. By having a snack in the middle of the afternoon, you will naturally eat less at the evening meal. To be nutritious, the snack must contain carbohydrates and proteins such as an apple and some almonds.