Dietician Sheela Seharawat
Acidity takes place when acid presents in the stomach go upward in the food pipe. This further causes irritation leading to heartburn. Through this article, you will get an insight into the connection between an acidity and chronic cough.
Link Between Acidity and Chronic Cough
The prolonged cough which is lasting for more than eight weeks is considered a chronic cough. In some cases, chronic cough is said to be relating with acidity. There are some symptoms that show that a chronic cough is a result of acidity such as:
- Coughing mostly at night or after your meal
- Coughing while you’re lying down
- You are coughing even after not smoking
Tests for Acidity in People With Chronic Cough
You may be advised by the doctor to use a medication for acidity namely proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). If this medication successfully gives you relief, then you have suffered from acidity only. If the condition is severe, then a surgery is initiated.
Lifestyle and Dietary Changes
Some alternations in lifestyle and dietary habits can help in the improvement of symptoms. Dietician Sheela Seharawat of Diet Clinic will let you know what changes need to be made.
Maintaining healthy BMI: This helps in keeping the level of stomach acid low.
Avoid tight clothes: Loose clothes avoid pressure on the stomach.
Quit smoking: Acidity may occur due to smoking.
Don’t over-eat: The stomach acid arises due to overeating.
Avoid lying down after or during meals: Do not lie down after eating meals for about 3 hours.
Home Remedies
Ginger and Honey: Dry cough can be easily treated by the mixture of ginger and honey.
Tea: Drink black tea to cure a cough.
Steam: Dry cough can be a past thing with steaming as it soothes the airways.
Bromelain: This is an enzyme found in the stem and fruit of pineapples and is very effective in the treatment of a cough.
Peppermint leaves: This can help in getting rid of a cough easily.
Salt and water gargle: Mostly opted way to soothe the throat and relieve a cough.
Talk to top Dietician Sheela Seharawat for more details.