

diet clinic
Dietician Sheela Seharawat

In simple words diabetes is referred to as a health hazard where the blood glucose (sugar levels) goes beyond normal and results from the inability of the glucose to get into our cells. This results the cells to starve of their food. It results either when the insulin production in the body is inadequate or may be because the cells in our body does not respond properly to insulin or can be both. Insulin is a hormone in our body that helps convert food into energy. When someone has diabetes, the body either doesn't makes insulin or cannot use insulin correctly.

Glucose is an all-important nutrient for our cells, as it provides fuel for them that makes up for muscles and tissues. It is also the main fuel source of our brain. No matter the type of diabetes, it leads to excess sugar in our blood and can further lead to some serious health problems when becomes uncontrollable like blindness, kidney failure, and heart diseases.

There are several types and conditions of diabetes depending on the levels of blood sugar and they are:

1. Pre-Diabetes: is a condition where the blood sugar level are above normal, but not that high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.

2. Pediatric Diabetes: a similar condition of diabetes in school-aged children as in the case of pre-diabetes and can be controlled if diagnosed and measures are taken in the early stages or can lead to aggravation of conditions.

3. Gestational Diabetes (Diabetes during pregnancy): only happens in pregnant women. Having gestational diabetes puts the patient at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes in the future. Treatments may include insulin injections that help control blood sugar levels.

4. Type 1 Diabetes: a less common type of diabetes than any other type, is typical to children and young adults. People with type 1 diabetes need to take daily injections of insulin.

5. Type 2 Diabetes: the most common form of diabetes, where the body does not uses insulin correctly. This type of diabetes is preventable and it means that you can take steps to avoid developing it.