Dietician Sheela Seharawat
Christmas is a cultural and religious celebration, celebrated amongst billions across the globe. It is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ on the 25th of December every year. On records the month and date of Jesus’s birth is unknown, and unknown is the fact why 25th of December became the celebrating date. There are various theories justifying 25th of December as the day of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, however, in this article we come across various truths associated with celebrating X-mas on 25th of December every year.
The truth about the origin of Christmas
Historian and authorities agree that the celebrations related to the birth of Christ was not followed by churches even hundreds of years after his birth, his death and his resurrection. It was until the 5th century that Roman Catholic Church ordered celebrating this day on the same day of the pagan festival dedicated to the worship of sun god.
Why only 25th of December?
According to history an ancient Roman festival played an important role in the choice of this particular date, that day of birth of the unconquered sun. Romans celebrated this day many hundreds of years after the death of Christ, and thus the history of Christmas spread through politics across regional boundaries to Egypt and further.
The origin of the Christmas tree.
Millions across the world bring home an evergreen tree to their home and decorate it with sweets, decorative, toys. Lights and what not. This tree holds a prominent importance on the celebrations and beliefs of Christmas, but hardly anyone among this million believes that Christ has any relation to this tree. Many believe that the Christmas tree is a symbol of Christianize of pagan culture and tradition and an adaptation of tree worship. A missionary in Germany, Saint Boniface, pointed out at a tree and announced that the tree points to the heaven, and its triangular shape signifies Trinity. From Germany the tradition carried to Britain and the entire world.
The traditional colors or Christmas.
Red stands for the blood of Jesus shed during when he was crucified, green is for eternal life as in the evergreen tree, and gold for royalty.
Whatever may be the reason to celebrate Christmas, it’s believes and tradition binds all of us together under the roof of trust, believe, traditional values, friendship, love and togetherness. It is the time to celebrate love and friendship, a time to dance, eat and drink.