Therapeutic Diets

A therapeutic diet is a planned diet prescribed by diet doctors and a dietitian used to prevent a disease like kidney failure, lower serum cholesterol, blood sugar, celiac disease, etc. These diets are prepared in a way to maintain certain energy levels in daily diet routines. Therapeutic diets assist to maintain normal body functioning properly. Our expert dietitian Sheela Sherawat has more than 16 years of experience and well plans therapeutic diets for an individual which is a combination of sufficient calories and nutrients to regulate an amount of food needed. There are various types of therapeutic diets available i.e regular diets, soft diet, diabetic diet, calorie-controlled diet, low cholesterol diet, low fat, and high protein diets. Therapeutic diets are useful for those who want to maintain their diet patterns in order to increase or decrease weight loss.


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Ibs Diets Packages


4999 .00

IBS is a digestion related disorder which causes pain, diarrhea, constipation and other colon related problems. Heavy meals have to be avoided and slowly cooked carbs rich food is good for this medical condition. Take plenty of water for refueling of essential body minerals and elements for proper functioning of digestive system. Diet plan suggested by Diet Clinic contains a plenty of fruits and vegetables which are good for clearing the digestive tract. Contact Diet Clinic for getting more information about diets, health and wellness.

Kidney Diseases Diets


3999 .00

Diet Clinic is providing special diets for people suffering from renal issues. Diets chiefly consist of moderate ratios of sodium, potassium and creation content as they are very helpful in the early recovery from the kidney related issues. Excessive green leafy vegetables are prohibited and take a plenty of water for better digestion and proper functioning of the plan. Our diet plan is not an alternate to any medication and helps in treatment of the disease. Talk to our expert on our national toll free helpline number.

Liver Diseases


4999 .00

Liver is another vital part of our body which secretes bile that helps in processing various dietary ingredients like proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, glucose etc. Malfunction of liver may cause digestion issues and in long term it may cause anemia, which is a metabolism related disease.  Alcohol is injuries for liver so if you are suffering from liver disease then you must avoid alcohol. Healthy diets are required for timely recovery from liver disease. Diet Clinic is providing healthy and balanced for people under liver disorder. 

Muscle Gain Diet


4999 .00

People who are interested in body building must take a protein rich diet for proper development of their muscles. Along with heavy muscle training exercises, a proper and balanced diet is important for gaining muscles. Diet Clinic has prepared diet plan for those who are interested in professional body building and we customize the diets according to the personal requirements of the clients. Along with protein we are providing all the necessary food groups and ingredients in moderate and balanced proportions. Talk to our expert for getting more information about diets, health and fitness.

Organic Diets


4999 .00

Harmful pesticides are used while the plantation of the vegetables and fruits cause long term harms to our bodies and may cause various types of cancers to the people who remain over exposed to these chemicals. Diet Clinic always suggests taking organic fruits and vegetables for a healthy and natural body development. Diet Clinic has prepared a unique diet plan that will allow you to go organic while you lose weight scientifically. Contact Diet Clinic and find more healthy ways to lose weight and live a healthy and cheerful life.

Pre Pregnancy Diets


4999 .00

Healthy diets are important for a woman who is going to plan a pregnancy. Better immunity is required for her, so that she might become less prone to infections and diseases. Obesity is another reason for infertility, therefore it is important to lose weight to conceive a child. Diet Clinic ensures that you should lose weight before you plan for pregnancy and for this purpose we have prepared specialized diets before pregnancy. We customize diets as per the lifestyle and eating habits of the client so that you lose weight and recharge immunity; along with enrich your body with nutrition with zero starvation.

Stress Diets


4999 .00

Stress is a common phenomenon among present youth and working people. It is because of our busy lifestyle and dissatisfaction from everything we possess. Under stress people eat unhealthy foods which cause obesity in long run and may cause chronic health hazards. With proper stress relieving exercises and diets, you can reduce daily life stress and can live a healthy life. Diet Clinic has introduced stress diets for stress relief and incorporation of healthy habits in the life.

Teenagers Diets


4999 .00

In growing age wholesome nutrition is required for an overall growth. In teenage not only physical abilities grow but also mental faculties develop. All the physical activities either in the form of sports or athletics may go in vain if proper diet is not provided to the teenagers. Balanced diets rich in all necessary dietary ingredients and food groups are required in alternation for a balanced teenage growth. Diet Clinic is offering special diets for teenagers, so that they may get maximum benefit in this growing age which helps them in long run.

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