Keto Diet 30 Days


₹4999 / $70

Keto Diet 30 Days Packages
Keto Diet 30 Days


Keto is a whole food diet solution to reduce and resolve a number of health conditions. People with conditions such as type-2 diabetes, obesity and inflammation will benefit hugely from a ketogenic diet. Learn about what you can eat on a ketogenic diet and how our body reacts to both healthy and unhealthy foods.



Sheela Seharawat is a fully qualified dietician and she will guide you with Kito diet plan. Avail Kito plan 30 Days 4000 ( $65) and experience the magical change in your health, We provide the complete package according to your lifestyle. This will surely give you 100% quality health benefits and you will accomplish your goal rapidly without any rigorous exercise.



The ketogenic diet was first introduced in the 1920's as a means to control epilepsy in children. In more recent times, the principles of the ketogenic diet have been adapted for a highly effective weight loss plan. The ketogenic diet is high in fat, low in carbohydrates, and is designed to provide adequate protein and calories for a healthy weight. So let your diet work for you now and lead a happy and healthy life by experiencing the Keto diet plan specially designed for you.



This package is suitable for those who want to lose weight in a healthy way through a balanced diet. This will help in full body fat loss and in losing inches without any medications or exercise.



₹4999 / $70

How It Works

As soon as you visit or clinic or download our mobile app, your have to fill registration form or activate your app, you will meet or get a call from a Dietician / Nutritionist ASAP. (Form will help us understanding your dietary, physical and medical activity, which you are required to fill). He/She will also ask you some basic questions about your lifestyle and discuss your medical history. However, this can also be done through mobile inbound chat, on a telephonic conversation or on video chat in our mobile app.
After analyzing your lifestyle, we will talk out a diet plan (that suits you the best) and we will give you 3-4 days plan at a time, you are required to give us feedback on the plan and report the weight loss on your next visit or one the day asked by your assigned Dietitian / Nutritionist on the mobile app, we will take regular weight and your body measurements. it will be noted by assigned Dietitian / Nutritionist in hard copy at the clinic or you have to upload on mobile app. you will be asked to maintain your daily diary and fill diet recall in hard copy ( for in clinic client) and your mobile app daily.

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