Tips Of The Day

One of the most popular beverages around the world is Green Tea, and why not – for more than 4000 years, it has been attributed to its numerous health benefits. And, guess now what? This brewed beverage has been officially declared as one of the healthiest drink on the planet. We all shall acknowledge the richness of coffee in terms of its health and wellness characters by knowing in detail about it and use it for the benefit of mankind.
Sheela Seharawat, acclaimed dietician and women's health specialist with Diet Clinic says that this lightly flavored and pleasant-tasting brewed drink is a great aid in lowering cholesterol, preventing the onset of diabetes, provides protection against strokes and even can hold off dementia. It is always referred to as the healthiest drink available for us. Along with all of it, green tea id loaded with the richness of antioxidants that itself has amazing health benefits.

Let’s find out the incredible health benefits of green tea consumption:

1.Green Tea helps to improve brain functionality
L-thiamine, an amino acid is found in abundance in green tea along with caffeine. L-thiamine is known to create a calming effect on the brain and when in combination with caffeine, is known to enhance brain functionality by enhancing memory, the cognitive powers of the brain, and elevating mood. It can also counter the effect of oxidative stress that can lead to many neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
Though green tea might not have as much caffeine as in coffee but has enough to do the job. Caffeine has been long regarded for its positive effects to improve various aspects of our brain functioning which also includes our mood, memory, spontaneity, reactive abilities, and the power of vigilance.

2.Burns fat and support weight management
Research studies confirm that green tea consumption can speed up metabolism and thereby the fat burning process in our body. It has many times linked with the curbing of appetite and the build-up of fats in the body.
If we pick up any fat burning oil or supplement or any other product, you would find green te extract as a common ingredient in all of them. This can be easily attributed to the ability of green tea to boost metabolism and promote the burning of fats.
The caffeine in green tea promotes physical performance by mobilizing fatty acids from our fat tissues and using them as an energy source. This is another reason for studies to support the fact that green tea promoted the reduction of fat, and especially in our abdominal area.

3.Lowers the risks of developing certain cancers
Cancers are one the leading cause of death in humans and are caused by the uncontrolled growth of cells. Oxidative damages are the main cause that leads to serious inflammation in the cells, which can further lead to the onset of some of the serious diseases including cancers. Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and these antioxidants act against oxidative stress preventing the onset of deadly diseases including cancers.
Breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers are some forms of cancers that can be guarded against occurring with regular consumption of green tea. Many observations and studies have confirmed the fact that green tea drinkers have lesser chances of developing these mentioned and several other types of cancers. If you want green tea to be more effective, then drink it without adding milk, as milk can reduce the antioxidant qualities of green tea.

4.Balance your blood sugar levels and get protection against diabetes
Many studies and research programs have been conducted to find the exact link between blood sugar levels and green tea. But astonishingly the things that can be found out that there is a close link between green tea and insulin sensitivity and thereby, blood sugar control. Green tea aids in reducing fasting blood sugar levels and also the average blood sugar in a period of a person.
Medical researchers confirm the fact that the consumption of green tea is inversely associated with the risk of getting diabetes or any other blood sugar related issues. In straight simple words green tea can self protect us against diabetes?
Diabetes is all about elevated levels of blood sugar which in turn can be caused by insulin resistance or also maybe because of the body's natural ability to produce enough insulin. Green tea helps improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood glucose levels to lower the risk of developing diabetes.

5.It can help us live longer
It has been found that the cells of any regular green tea drinker are anytime found younger than the cells of any non-green tea drinker of the same age. It has been proved by research that people who drink green tea regularly live longer.
Certain plant compounds in green tea are instrumental in protecting us from various forms of cancers, heart diseases, diabetes, and many other diseases. This simply is a reason enough to prove that people who drink green tea regularly have better chances to survive and live longer. Noted below are some research results on green tea that would shock you:
• Death of all causes: 23% lower in women, 12% lower in men
• Death from heart disease: 31% lower in women, 22% lower in men
• Death from stroke: 42% lower in women, 35% lower in men

Green tea health benefits can always complement other good things we do in terms of our diet. We must get a balance of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts, and dairy while consuming a few cups of healthy and refreshing green tea.
But, If you have health issues like kidney disease, stomach ulcers, heart problems, or certain psychological conditions, adding green tea to your diet might not be a good idea. Talk with your healthcare provider to be sure this beverage is safe for you.
As, for all of us others, moderate intake of green tea is always a safe bet, though we might be getting some amounts of caffeine and a small quantity of vitamin K per cup. Also, at the same time you get a healthy dose of antioxidants, so no more apprehension…. Just drink it up!!!