Tips Of The Day

Finding A Healthy Teenage Diet Plan
Dietician Sheela Sherawat
Finding A Healthy Teenage Diet Plan

Teenagers need more energy and, therefore, more nutrients than the children of any other age group. Healthy and active teenagers usually have good appetite and it is very important to provide them with an adequate diet as opposed to letting them eat fatty, sugary or salty snacks.


According to dietician and founder of Diet Clinic, Sheela Seharawat, A healthy teenage diet means having a healthy balanced menu that would satisfy the teenagers` needs for energy. This menu should include fruits, vegetables and starchy foods, as well as a moderate amount of products rich in protein plus milk and dairy products. Foods that are high in fats, especially saturated fats, sugar and salt are acceptable only in little doses. These are the main foods that make up a healthy teenage diet. The need is to focus on growing tall and strong, on keeping the teeth healthy and on helping the immune system defend the body properly.