Tips Of The Day

Forget Obesity Read Teenage Diet Plan
Dietician Sheela Sherawat
Forget Obesity Read Teenage Diet Plan

Teens are at a vulnerable stage and they are taking peer pressure very seriously. They worry about their appearance which can cause those who do not have a weight problem to take drastic measures. Skipping meals is not the answer. Dietician Sheela Seharawat of Diet Clinic says that the best teenage diet plan that will give you the required nutrients to keep you healthy and helps building healthy bones.


Eating lots of fresh vegetables and fruits will make sure you are getting the natural minerals and vitamins much needed for growth and development. Some vegetables, like green beans, also helps with losing weight. Always take some fruits and/or vegetables with you for a healthy snack. Mil provides with the calcium needed and cheese boosts metabolism. Drinking adequate water is also important. The best teenage diet plan always includes a lot of exercise and eating less more often.