Tips Of The Day

Healthy Snacks For Office Going People
Dietician Sheela Sherawat
Healthy Snacks For Office Going People

Healthy Snacks for office going people. What to eat during working hours?

What we chose to eat all day, not only has its impact on our health, but also reflects on our productivity levels. A big reason behind fatigue, restlessness and irritability regularly throughout the day is all because of our poor dietary intakes. Due to a busy lifestyle and professional demands, most of us neglect our health.

While it is very common for working professionals to sit their desk and keep on munching on snacks like fried chips and oily snacks, without realizing that these could lead to problems of weight gain and obesity along with other health issues in the long run.

Here are some quick, easy and healthy ways to eat during office hours:

Some great healthy snacking options that you can binge on:

Coconut chunks: easily available and convenient, are high in fiber and rich in good fats.

Mixed nuts and dry fruits: like almonds and cashew nuts rich in minerals and essential fatty acids. They are a great source of proteins too and keeps you fuller for a longer period of time. On the other hand dried apricots and dates combined with nuts is always the healthiest dose. Have the dried fruits without added sugars.

Fresh fruits: bananas, apples, oranges, peaches, grapes and other fruits are high on fiber and mineral and is one of the healthiest snacking option.

Protein bars: are filling, rich in proteins and enriched with energy and helps you keep going through the day.

Roasted chickpeas: are low in calories and filling, thus reducing your food cravings and risks of overeating. Also is a rich source of protein.

Dark chocolate: cocoa is a great source of magnesium that naturally relieves stress is rich in anti-oxidant properties and keeps you fresh and energetic.

Low–fat popcorns: are very low in calories and are good sources of fiber. Is also filling.

Rice cakes: are also very low in calories and available in different favors.

Get rid of the junk: junk foods like namkeens and chips are the most common options people store in their drawers to munch on during office hours. Munching on these is the unhealthiest habit you could have, so be cautious about it. Also limit starch intakes in forms of pastas, breads and rice.

Carry home-made meals to office: as far as possible carry home-made fresh and healthy foods along. Avoid getting burgers and fried items from your neighborhood restaurant for lunches as these are certainly not going to do any good to you.

Keep hydrated: a bottle of fresh and clean drinking water at your desktop is a must. Ensure to drink some big sips before and after every meal and keep drinking throughout the day. Water is free of calories, keeps you hydrated, energized and fresh always.

Never refresh yourself with aerated drinks: always avoid drinking caffeinated drinks, sodas, soft drinks and packaged juices as all these contains high amount of sugars and effects your diet. Opt for green teas, herbal teas or black coffee as these are free of calories and boosts the metabolism.