Our Tips


Eat Healthy Get Ideal Body Shape And Size
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
  • Mar 31, 2020
Eat Healthy Get Ideal Body Shape And Size

All around the people are worried and anxious to lose weight but getting into ideal shape and size is a tough job. The reason behind the growing problem of obesity is ignorance about healthy foods and careless attitude towards health. The life has become so fast that people always try to have their meals on the way or while working. In this haste, they often miss important nutrients in their meals. To check this problem diet clinic is providing special diets for people who remain busy most of

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Eat Homemade Foods
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
  • Mar 31, 2020
Eat Homemade Foods

If are growing teenager girl and want to improve your looks then you have to keep a check over your unhealthy eating habits. For a fit and healthy body, only homemade food and daily brisk walking or other work out is necessary. If you are skipping your meals, in order to become thin in a weekend, then you are doing wrong to your health and growth. You should take proper but balanced diets. Your meals must be short and frequent; you should remain engaged in high physical activity.  Try to

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Weight Loss Diet Plan For Teenagers
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
  • Mar 31, 2020
Weight Loss Diet Plan For Teenagers

There are no two opinions for the fact that balanced diet and exercise is very important for healthy life and body. The same rule also applies on the teenagers, whether they are boys or girls. This is a growing age so the teenager requires wholesome and complete nutrition because the body is still growing and while growing it needs special nutrition. Therefore every teenager must get the right diet containing the proper proportion of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and other essential minerals

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