Dietician Sheela Seharawat
- Jan 19, 2021
A step-by-step approach towards transforming your lifestyle
and get you to
For Valentine's Day!
Most often than not, many get tired religiously following a daily diet and workouts to lose weight and get in shape. Either they get burnt out of it or they are just too expensive and monotonous to keep following. So, to combat this, we at Diet Clinic have crafted the ‘21 Days Weight Loss Challenge’ for a
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Dietician Sheela Seharawat
- Jan 13, 2021
तिल के लड्डू
तिल का लड्डू संक्रांति में सबसे ज्यादा खाया जाता है। तिल के बीज और गुड़ से बनाया गया ये लड्डू गर्म तासीर वाला होता है।तिल के लड्डू की रेसिपी की बात करें, तो ये बनाने में काफी आसा

Dietician Sheela Seharawat
- Dec 23, 2020
Make Health and Wellness your resolution this New Year
On this New Year, you all have a chance to make a real difference. It is always the time for good intensions, intensions of improving the quality of life and change something that you may not have liked all these years.
This year with Diet Clinic and under the guidance of acclaimed and renowned dietician, Sheela Seharawat, you have an opportunity to create healthy goals that you can stick to, throughout the year and be