Our Tips


Subtle Things You Can Do To Lower The Risk Of Cancer
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
  • Jul 23, 2020
Subtle Things You Can Do To Lower The Risk Of Cancer

Everyone knows that cancer is a deadly disease and it is unpredictable. However, to reduce the risk of cancer, you can follow some tips and changing in lifestyle is a vital factor to minimize the risk of cancer. Following are the tips to boost your health and help you to lower the risk of cancer relevantly.

Regular Cancer screening test:
Consult with doctor frequently for the cancer testing and go through the process. This way you can easily keep on track o

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Fresh Fruit Salads
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
  • Jul 23, 2020
Fresh Fruit Salads

People are facing lots of health related problems due their increased weight. The most common cause of unexplained weight gain is less exercising and overeating. Yes, lots of people gain weight just because of their over eating habits, they generally eats junk foods and fried foods available in the market.


Such kinds of foods are rich in fats and calories, which leads to weight gain.

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Fruity Jelly
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
  • Jul 23, 2020
Fruity Jelly

Long hair has been considered as a symbol of beauty in women. But not all women blessed with long and thick hair. Moreover, an improper diet and underlying health condition can also exacerbate the quality of your hair. There is no miraculous product that can increase growth of your hair overnight.


All that you will require to speed up the growth of your hair is change in your lifestyl

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