Our Tips


Losing Weight Success Story
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
  • Jul 17, 2020
Losing Weight Success Story

These days the number of people diagnosed with diabetes is increasing every day. The major reason behind this is the improper lifestyle and eating habits. Borderline diabetes or say the prediabetes is a stage where a person diagnosed with higher sugar levels rather than normal but not yet reach to the level of diabetes. This generally happens in type 2 diabetes.

However, with proper diet and healthy lifestyl

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Why women gain weight
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
  • Jul 17, 2020
Why women gain weight

Most adult women at one time or another have struggled with their weight, and recent research suggests that weight gain in women differs from that of men. There are many reasons why women put on the pounds and some of the factors that lead to weight gain in women are surprising. It has been revealed recently through a research that throughout the world more than 50% women are dieting at any given time. Yet, the quest to los

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Teenage Food Diets
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
  • Jul 17, 2020
Teenage Food Diets

Growing teens between the ages of 14 and 16 need to eat a more balanced diet so they get the nutrients they need for good health. Following a diet specifically designed for this age group can help in planning balanced meals to promote normal growth and development.

According to dietician and founder member of Diet Clinic, Ms. Sheela Seharawat says, the dietary needs of a growing teen is quite varied. Eating a healthy balanced diet that matches the energy needs

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