Tips Of The Day

The teenage years are a foundation to the adult body and most of the bone mass and the body's frame is structured during these years. This is the reason why this time is not the ideal time to deprive the body of the essential nutrients that it requires. There are certain vitamins like calcium, vitamins C and D that the body requires and if the teenager deprives the body of these nutrients he/she is likely to aggravate further teenage problems along with weight gain.


Sheela Seharawat, dietician and founder of Diet Clinic says teenagers require a balanced diet and when they are not consuming one there is a huge tendency to fall ill and also encounter skin problems. These problems often lower the confidence and the self-esteem of the teen. There are also other problems like the low levels of iron and frolic acid that the teen faces in event of starving. This leads to anemia and the teen is unable to perform well intellectually.