Tips Of The Day

Tips to get beautiful hair
Dietician Sheela Sherawat
Tips to get beautiful hair

Every woman wants to have long, shiny and thick hair. Here are some easy and effective tips to have thick, long and shiny hair naturally.

Balanced diet - The outer condition of our hair and skin reflects the inner health. Our inner health depends on what we eat. Therefore, to have a healthy body and healthy hair, it is necessary to have a healthy diet. So, to fulfill your desire of having think and long hair you should start intake of balanced and healthy diet. The healthy diet should be able in providing you the adequate amount of vitamins, proteins, fats, calcium, carbohydrates, iron, fibers and other nutrients. You should quit all those processed and packed foods. Always try to cook at home healthy foods. Add fruits, veggies, eggs, whole grains, and lean meats into your daily diet.

Head massage – Massaging your hair with oil every week before washing is very beneficial for hair. You can use coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil separately or mixture of all these oils to massage your scalp. Hot oil therapy is very beneficial to make hair strong, long and think.

Shampoo and condition regularly – Unclean hair can also lead to hair breakage and thinning. Therefore, try to wash your hair every alternate day to keep your hair clean and dirt free. Always use a herbal shampoo instead of chemical rich shampoo. Conditioning is also very helpful in making your hair think and long therefore condition your hair with a herbal conditioner every week. You may also use natural conditioners like curd.

Avoid stress – These days almost every person is living a very stressful life. Every person is facing anxiety, depression and stress that is also responsible for hair loss and hair damage. Therefore, in order to get thick and long hair it is necessary to avoid stress. You should use stress management techniques like yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. At the same time, sleep for eight hours is very important every night. If, you manage your stress and take adequate sleep then it will not affect your hair.

Trim and brush properly – Generally, people comb their wet hair without realizing that it can break their hair. Thus, to avoid hair loss you should not comb you wet hair. You should trim your hair regularly to cut the split ends. Proper combing and trimming every month will help in making your hair thicker.

By adopting the above tips into your daily life, you can get thicker hair naturally.