Tips Of The Day

What is a Good Diet For Teens
Dietician Sheela Sherawat
What is a Good Diet For Teens

Being a teenager can be fun, but it can also be difficult as your body shape changes. These physical changes can be hard to deal with if they aren’t what you are expecting. Eating healthy food is important at any age, but it’s especially important for teenagers. As your body is still growing, it’s vital that you eat enough good quality food and the right kinds to meet your energy and nutrition needs.


Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic says that eating three regular meals a day with some snacks will help you meet your nutrition needs. Skipping meals means you will miss out on vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates, which can leave you lacking energy or finding it hard to concentrate. Fruit and vegetables is vital as they have lots of vitamins and minerals which help boost your immune system and keep you from getting sick. They’re also very important for healthy skin and eyes.