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Why women gain weight
Dietician Sheela Sherawat
Why women gain weight

Most adult women at one time or another have struggled with their weight, and recent research suggests that weight gain in women differs from that of men. There are many reasons why women put on the pounds and some of the factors that lead to weight gain in women are surprising. It has been revealed recently through a research that throughout the world more than 50% women are dieting at any given time. Yet, the quest to lose weight often can do more harm than good. A reason why many women gain weight is because they don't eat enough. When you aren't consuming enough food, the metabolism slows down and the body begins to store fat.


It has been observed that women get seduced by packages with the words "low-fat" printed on them. However, these low-fat foods often contain as many calories as normal food items. Another weight gain factor among women is depression, due to which many women engage "emotional eating." This is a response to depression and an attempt to fill a void in your life through food. Chocolate, though a comfort food but leads to the expansion of your tiny waistline. At online diet clinic we will help you to realize that not all foods are bad for you, unless they are taken in a limited quantity required by your body type.